Challenges Every Writer Should Overcome

Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2022



When it comes to being an effective writer, it is important to understand that you will have a lot challenges to overcome. This is especially true, if you are just starting out as a writer. As a rule, you should be aware of these challenges, and have a set strategy on how to overcome them. Here are key challenges that every writer should be aware of.

1. Lack of time

Being a writer does not only entail you to write good quality work, you will also need to learn how to manage your time. Remember that you won’t always have the time to write. There will be times where you will have to divide your time between your day to day activities, and your writing sessions. If you want to use your time as a writer effectively, it is important that you know how to schedule all your work.

How to overcome this challenge:

A good way to overcome this challenge is to create a set schedule for yourself. Everyone has his or her everyday tasks to do. If you want to be a competent writer, you should know how to effectively schedule your writing sessions. You could have your writing sessions in any part of the day, what’s important is that you stay consistent with the schedule.

2. Loss of inspiration

During the writing process, there will be times where you will lose inspiration to write. This is a common problem for most writers, and it could make it difficult for you to stay focused on the writing process.

How to overcome this challenge:

Loss of inspiration usually stems from a lack of artistically stimulating experiences. If you are losing the inspiration to write, you should take the time to walk away from writing, and look for sources of inspiration instead. Read a good book, have a long and mindful walk, and engage in meaningful conversation with other people.

3. Being overly critical of your own work

While it is ok to be humble, and want to improve as a writer, it is never a good idea to be too critical of your work. Remember that you will need to have a good amount of belief in your writing skills. If you are too critical of your work, you may lose your motivation to write as a whole.

How to overcome this challenge:

This is all a case of the wrong mindset. You should understand that you are not perfect, and that you are allowed to make mistakes. What’s important is that you learn from these mistakes, and grow even further as a writer.

4. Deadlines

This challenge is particularly common if you are writing for a publishing company, or are writing a long article for a writing challenge. Being on a deadline, and writing the best quality work possible is not really conducive for any writer to develop.

How to overcome this challenge:

If you have deadlines to meet, the key to overcoming this challenge is to work on your writing tasks as early as possible, and to keep on top of them as much as possible.

5. Research work

Being a good technical writer is not the only skill you will need in order to succeed as a writer. You will also need to know how to conduct your research work as effectively as possible. Remember that no matter how good you are as a writer, if your research work is lacking, then your readers will find your work lacking, and even point out the inefficient sources.

How to overcome this challenge:

If you want to overcome this challenge, you will need to learn proper research techniques, and be detail oriented when it comes to your sources and facts. Before you write a specific statement or make a declaration of your work, you should have references and other kinds of proof to back up your work.

6. Negative reviews

There will be times where you will release your work to the public, and it won’t always get good reviews. During these times, your confidence as a writer may get rocked. This is very common amongst new writers, and it is ok to feel bad. However, you should make sure that you know how to rise up from this setback.

How to overcome this challenge:

The key to overcoming negative reviews is to be as open-minded and mature as possible. You should accept the fact that negative reviews are a part of being a writer, and that you should not fear them, but learn from them instead.

7. Writer’s Block

The most difficult challenge that you could face as a writer is writer’s block. Remember that writing takes a long time to master, and there will be times where you don’t have any idea what to write. However, writer’s block is a very hard thing to overcome, because there is no set reason why some people suffer from writer’s block.

How to overcome this challenge:

This challenge is a tough one, because there is no set reason for writer’s block. You could get writer’s block at any time. The key to fighting writer’s block is to recognize that you have writer’s block. Don’t try to push through with writing. This will just frustrate you. Instead, you should stay away from the writing process for a few days, and occupy your mind with something else. Go on a short trip or take up a new hobby. You could also talk to other writers about these challenges. If you are suffering from this condition, you should remember that you are not alone, and you could overcome it effectively.


If you want to be a truly effective writer, it is important that you know the key challenges that you will face as a writer. The more you know of these challenges, the more effectively you will be able to overcome them. With this article, you will know these challenges and the key strategies on how to beat them.

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Flynn Hannan
Writers Republic

Bibliophile , Senior Indie Editor at Writers Republic